About Us
Life FM Bathurst is the Bathurst and the Central West’s non-denominational, Christian FM station. We broadcast mainstream and Christian contemporary music, and entertaining shows. Programs include lifestyle and current-affairs interviews and a series of popular inspirational segments.
Our style is modern, lighthearted and family-friendly with a focus on the community. Life FM Bathurst helps people lead hopeful lives through fun entertainment, helpful content, uplifting experiences and a unique connection with their community.
If you want to listen to Life FM Bathurst on the radio, find us on 100.1 MHz of the FM band. Anywhere else in the world, listen to entertaining Christian radio live online.
Vision and Mission Statement
Speaking life – the gospel – through word and song on 100.1. Developing and utilising all available forms of media and to use this platform as a voice and a service for the local church and community.
Our Policies
- Corporate governance (Code 1.2)
- Membership (Code 1.4)
- Internal conflict (Code 1.5)
- Complaints handling (Code 1.6)
- Community participation (Code 2.1)
- Programming (Code 2.2)
- Volunteering (Code 2.3)
- Sponsorship (Code 6.1)