At a time when we simultaneously know so much and know so little, it could help us all if we started to argue for the sake of heaven

At a time when we simultaneously know so much and know so little, it could help us all if we started to argue for the sake of heaven
The Rationalist Society of Australia ran a campaign to try and get rid of SRE in public schools, by stating that secularism is the way to go.
We’re culturally immersed in New Age philosophy but Julie Sheehan believes there’s a lack of awareness about spiritual realities.
I can’t help but feel let down by the church at times. I wish there was more done to include people who are neurodiverse.
I realised that just being casual, honest and authentic took the pressure off. I could be obedient to the Holy Spirit.
When all we do is consume, we end up depressed because we were born to create. There is an innate sense of wonder in us.
Vibes come and go, but our sinfulness remains stubbornly the same. Our duty is to present the gospel in compelling, and counter cultural ways.
When you remember what God has done, you will be prepared to share when the opportunity comes. Lis shares her story…
Our lives need good ingredients that build healthy spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional habits. It matters how we live life day to day.
For the last 31 years, Open Doors has released their World Watch List, detailing where persecution against Christians is most prolific.