Travels of a Wimpy Mum – Book Review

Feb 15, 2025 | Entertainment and Arts

By: Brittany Garcia

Vanessa Foran records her thoughts as she travels the Australian Outback in a camper trailer with her husband and three young children.

This story is an anxiety-inducing whirlwind from the moment the alarm goes off in the first sentence!

As I progressed through the first chapter, I couldn’t help but chuckle – “fourteen weeks where every day was like a Saturday” (page 5). Vanessa must be mad!

However, the more you think of an off-grid, unplugged camping holiday you can easily convince yourself that it will be relaxing… 

Enter children, spouses, health, money, weather, equipment and everything else you can think of required for traversing a desert and the concept suddenly becomes daunting! 

Travels Of a Wimpy Mum: Finding Courage Through the Book of James is a grounding memoir about the joys, challenges and self-reflection that go hand in hand with a life of adventure. 

Vanessa Foran records her thoughts as she travels the Australian Outback in a camper trailer with her husband and three young children. 

We are reminded that in all seasons of life, God stays close and continues to teach us, even if it’s uncomfortable. 

Vanessa chooses to study the book of James on their holiday, and she shares with us her personal reflections on this little book of practical wisdom. 

Are we “counting it all joy when we fall into various trials?” (James 1:2). Do we allow God to work on our patience, that one day we might be “perfect and complete, lacking nothing?” (1:4). 

The reader is encouraged to, in all challenging situations of life, examine their heart and perspective. 

Not everything is about us, not everything will go our way, and sometimes others know best – maybe even a child! – so stay humble, open and gracious, that we might be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). 

Vanessa is a psychologist who lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and three children.

Article supplied with thanks to Hope Media.

Feature image: Book cover image supplied. Photo supplied and used with permission.


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